Gareth has arrived from Park City with bike in a not too damaged box
Phew it's arrived ! |
Need to get it opened and checked to make sure that everything is in order inside- not sure what we would do if it is bust !
Ready to compare notes about what we are planning to take
Unfortunately no long rides over the weekend but did manage an outing on Monday - wet and windy - not great conditions but at least I managed to test my new waterproof jacket which kept me dry! Thanks go to Dave G for keeping me company on a fairly miserable morning.
Also got the opportunity to try out my puncture repair skills with a flat a few miles from home - Hopefully the weather will be better whilst we are on the road next week
Bad news from Utah over the weekend - Gareth struck down with food poisoning but has made a bit of a recovery and is flying over to the UK at the moment - fingers crossed both he and his bike get over here ok.
Had my bike serviced today so should be ok for the next 1000 miles !
Just over a week to go - starting to feel nervous about the whole thing, wondering if I have enough miles in my legs for the day to day cycling as well as enough kit - especially waterproof clothing !
Have been comparing notes with my cycling buddy Gareth who is over in Park City Utah at the moment getting in some last minute altitude training before flying over to the UK arriving Wednesday.
Bike is booked in for a service on Tuesday so I am hoping to get a final long(ish) ride in this weekend. Toying with the idea of trying to get over the Cat and Fiddle but not sure I can squeeze that in!